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There seems to be a trend in the real estate industry that open houses do not count for much in the current Canadian market, however, that is far from the case. Open houses do not primarily sell houses outright, indeed, getting interested buyers through the front door is not their primary goal: The purpose that they fulfill extremely successfully is in attracting real estate agents.
When other real estate agents visit your home during an open house, it allows them to gain a far better understanding of its benefits and characteristics than they ever could at just looking at an online listing. Educating these real estate professionals in why your home is so special and what makes it such a great value in the market allows them to pass on that enthusiasm to clients that might be interested in placing an offer on your property.
A Buyer Might Fall In Love With The HouseOf course, it is not unheard of for a prospective buyer to fall in love with a property at an open house and then swiftly proceed to placing a reasonable offer on the home. If you consider an open house a bivalent opportunity to instil excitement into a number of real estate agents as well as prospective buyers, you will see that there is a considerable value to holding the best open house you can manage.
Aroma Sells HousesWhen you set up an open house day, you will want to ensure that all the details are as perfect as they can be and that your property is shown in the best available perspective. Fresh flowers throughout the house not only add visual appeal but olfactory as well. One of the time honoured real estate agent tricks of the trade is to place some loaves of bread or trays of cookies to very slowly bake in the oven and leave them there all day. Their aroma permeates the house and gives buyers an immediate "homey" feeling when they enter. It is important to keep the temperature of the oven low so that they don't burn, and by the end of the day you can toss them out as they will be as hard as rocks. However, they will have served their purpose!
Anne has 20+ years of Real Estate selling experience.
"It is always such a pleasure to find that special place with all the most desired features that makes everyone feel at home! Your home is one of your biggest investments that you will make in your lifetime. It is so important to find a home that not only exceeds all expectations but also increases your net worth. A sound investment makes sense and will build a secure financial future."
Let me help in all your Real Estate requirements! Whether buying or selling I can help in every step of the journey. I consider my clients part of my family and always recommend solutions that are in your best interest and according to your desired goals.
Call or email me and we can get started.